Sam walton – made in america
Hello, friends, I’m Sam Walton, founder and chairman of Wal-Mart Stores. By now I hope you’ve shopped in one of our stores, or maybe bought some stock in our company. If you have, you probably already know how proud I am of what is simply the miracle that all these Wal-Mart associates of mine have accomplished in the thirty years since we opened our first Wal-Mart here in northwest Arkansas, which Wal-Mart and I still call home. As hard as it is to believe sometimes, we’ve grown from that one little store into what is now the largest retailing outfit in the world. And we’ve really had a heck of a time along the way.
I realize we have been through something amazing here at Wal-Mart, something special that we ought to share more of with all the folks who’ve been so loyal to our stores and to our company. That’s one thing we never did much of while we were building Wal-Mart, talk about ourselves or do a whole lot of bragging outside the Wal-Mart family—except when we had to convince some banker or some Wall Street financier that we intended to amount to something someday, that we were worth taking a chance on. When folks have asked me, “How did Wal-Mart do it?” I’ve usually been flip about answering them. “Friend, we just got after it and stayed after it,” I’d say. We have always pretty much kept to ourselves, and we’ve had good reasons for it; we’ve been very protective of our business dealings and our home lives, and we still like it that way.

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